Strand7 Software:  In Detail:  Elements:  Plate Elements

Plate elements

Strand7 plates may be:

  • Triangular
    (3 or 6 nodes)

  • Quadrilateral
    (4, 8 or 9 nodes)

And may be used for analysis of:

  • 2D Plane Stress
    for modelling thin two-dimensional sheets subject to in-plane loads.

  • 2D Plane Strain
    for modelling very thick structures such as stress analysis through the section of a dam.

  • Axisymmetric
    for modelling rotationally symmetric structures.

  • Plate/shells
    for modelling general 3D structures made from relatively thin material. Plate elements in Strand7 may be either thin or thick. Thick plates consider the effects of shear deformation.

  • Shear panels
    for modelling flat sheets that carry only in-plane shear loads.

  • 3D membranes
    for modelling very flexible structures such as draped membranes.

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