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ST7- Fatigue Analysis of a Welded Connection
Many structures are subjected to cyclical loads of relatively small magnitude but with a large number of cycles. Structures under this type of loading may be required to be analysed for fatigue endurance to determine their working life. There are many design standards that stipulate the fatigue requirements of various types of structures such as for pressure vessels (BS 5500, with newer versions referred to as PD 5500), steel, concrete and composite bridges (BS 5400, AASHTO LRFD Section 6.6), and steel structures (BS 7608, BS EN 1993-1-9:2005, AS 4100). The methods of analysis outlined in this Webnote use terminology and notation consistent with BS 7608, BS 5500 and EN 1993-1-9, but aim to be general enough to be applied to other fatigue design codes.